Fear God: How Jesus Addresses Our Fear (Christian Focus, 2026)
The Pastor as Apologist (B&H Academic, 2024) Co-authored with Michael McEwen
For God So Loved the World (B&H Academic, 2020) Co-edited with Walter Strickland
Jesus Wins: The Good News of the End Times (Lexham Press, 2019)
Lies Pastors Believe - (Lexham Press, 2017)
Church History for Modern Ministry - (Lexham Press, 2016)
Joseph Smith’s Tritheism – (Wipf & Stock, 2014)
“Why Plant Churches in Small Towns?” in To Be Continued - (GCD Books, 2021) Edited by Tony Merida, Christy Britton & Amy Tyson
“Joseph Smith” in American Religious History (Three Volumes) - (ABC-CLIO, 2020) Edited by Gary S. Smith