What people are saying...
"I am grateful for men like Dayton who are helping pastors think deeply about the state of their soul. I have served as a pastor for nearly 20 years now and I am acutely aware of how powerful and persistent the lies can be that would threaten to derail my life and ministry. This treatment from Dayton is a necessary corrective and a helpful grace for the pastor. I hope you will give this book the attention it deserves."
- Micah Fries
"Daily I have to remind myself, as a pastor I'm no more holy than any other saint and no less human. Lies Pastors Believe, is a timely reminder that a pastor's identity, peace, and mission are found in Christ alone. Nothing and no one else. This book will challenge you to turn your eyes upon Jesus and walk in a necessary humility to care for His sheep."
- D.A. Horton